


说明: 1)本试卷共4页、四大题,分为试卷I、试卷II两部分;





1. The distribution of interior space of Chinese architecture reflects Chinese social and    values.
A. economic      B. political    C. military    D. ethnical
2. Which of the following civilizations produced the earliest stone columnar buildings in history?
A. The Chinese civilization        B. The Indian civilization
C. The Egyptian civilization        D. The Greek civilization
3. Which one is regarded as the most famous work designed by Wright?
A. The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo B. Prairie House   C. The Usonian house D. Fallingwater
4. The building systems and forms of ancient    directly determined the course of Western architecture.
A. Egypt and Greece    B. Egypt and Rome  C. Greece and Assyria D. Greece and Rome
5. The Forbidden City of Beijing, which still stands intact and which served as the imperial palace for both
emperors, covers an area of 720000 square meters.
A. Ming and Qing    B. Song and Ming  C. Tang and Song  D. Han and Tang
6. The forms of early churches were inspired by    survived in Rome?
A. palace      B. basilica    C. dome     D. groin vault
7.     was the first director of Bauhaus school?
A. Frank Lloyd Wright         B. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
C. Le Corbusier           D. Walter Gropius
8. Which of the following is a substyle of Baroque style?
A. Georgian style    B. Gothic style   C. Romanesque style  D. Byzantine style
9. Buildings of Baroque period are composed of great curving forms with    facades, ground plans of unprecedented size and complexity, and domes of various shapes?
A. plain       B. waving    C. broad     D. subtle
10. In the late 1500s, Pierre Lescot designed a new    for the Louvre and popularized ideas of
pure    architecture in France.
A. wing; classical    B. façade; classical  C. wing; neoclassical  D. façade; neoclassical
11. Taking the whole historical spectrum of skyscraper design into consideration, four significant phases can be identified: the functional, the eclectic, the modern, and what is currently called the    .
A. neoclassical     B. classical revival  C. postmodern   D. neo-modern
12. Timber framework decides that    is the main ornament used on ancient Chinese architecture.
A. shape       B. color     C. material    D. form
13.Ancient houses with more than one storey are meant for a variety of uses. The smaller two-storey house of private home generally has the owner’s    upstairs.
A. hall or dining     B. hall or study   C. study or dining  D. study or bedroom
14. Ta or pagoda is a combination of    philosophy and    tradition.
A. Taoist; Chinese    B. Buddhist; Chinese  C. Chinese; Taoist  D. Chinese; Buddhist
15. One of the most important forms of Islamic architecture is    ?
A. church      B. mosque    C. palace    D. castle



Stockholm Post Headquarters is being used for some 1,600 employees. The huge, glass building is nearly 60,000 sq. meters. The Swedish architect firm BSK Architects won the project in an international competition with their proposal called “Think tank”, which has been characterized as ‘modernity, openness and effectiveness’. The spectacular 12-storey building, which is one of the largest in Sweden, brings all the functions of the organization together in a complex and impressive box-like glass building with a central hall from which everything emanates(散发,伸展). This central hall entry space is three-storey high. With so much glass (both inside and out), there is light everywhere, and one can actually glimpse the sky from the ground floor.
Flexibility and transparency were key words when it came to the interior design of Swedish Post’s new headquarters. It was vital to the organization’s employees that the work spaces could be used in a range of different ways by different people, depending on the space is being used for. The result: open-plan work spaces that can be used in a multitude of ways with spaces in between for coffee breaks, printers and copy machines. Along the outer wall of the building, there are ‘lobby’ areas which can be used for informal meetings, private telephone conversations, or for working alone when one wants peace and quiet.
16. What is BSK in this text?
A. design company    B. plant    C. government    D. labor union
17. How many stories are in the Stockholm Post Headquarters?
A. 15       B. 20    C. 18      D. 12
18. What locates in the center of the building?
A. arch       B. basilica   C. column     D. hall
19. What aren’t the characteristics of Stockholm Post Headquarters?
A. spectacular     B. flexibility   C. transparency    D. brutal
20. What is the mean of ‘open-plan work spaces’?
A. a place where many people work     B. a building with many independent rooms
C. an open air area         D. an aisle




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16 17 18 19 20
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21(5分). Architecture can be a structure, a residence, a bridge, a church and a group of building.

22(5分). Although it is not necessary to study art, students should enjoy drawing freehand and making models.

23(5分). Rejecting the existing view of rooms as single-function boxes, Wright created overlapping and interpenetrating rooms with shared spaces.

24(5分). Chinese architecture is based on the principle of balance and symmetry.

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25(15分). Many experts consider the Home Insurance Building in Chicago, Illinois to be the first skyscraper. Built in 1885 and later expanded, this tower was about fifty-five meters tall. Today this would not be considered much of a skyscraper. But at the time, this height was striking. The structure was built using a steel frame. This frame was load-bearing, meaning that the steel skeleton would support the building’s weight, not its walls. Before this technology, a taller building required creating thicker stone walls to support its weight. Thick walls are extremely heavy, and allow less room for windows and light.

26(15分). The main Pyramid is basically a complex inter-linked steel structure covered in reflective glass. In fact it is an entrance doorway providing a long entrance portico to the main galleries of the Louvre. As one descends into the interior entrance foyer, the dramatic nature of the intervention becomes apparent. The main Pyramid, which certainly disturbs the balance of the old Louvre courtyard, is countered by two smaller pyramids, which provide further light and ventilation to the subterranean spaces. It is not so much the pyramid, but the entrance space that it covers that is the most important part of the project.





  1. D 2. B3. D 4. D5. A6. B 7. D 8. A9. B10. A11. C 12. B13. D14. B 15. B


  1. A 17. D 18. D 19. D 20. A


  1. 21. 应用光与影和表面装饰可以极大地提高建筑的表现力。
  2. 建筑的历史和文明的历史密不可分。
  3. 我认为建筑是一门实用的艺术,作为艺术它必须建立在必要性的基础之上。
  4. 中国建筑基于平衡和对称的原则。


  1. 许多专家认为在伊利诺斯州芝加哥市的家庭保险大厦是第一个摩天大楼。建于1885年并在之后进行了扩建。这一大厦大约有55米高。今天这一高度的建筑物已经称不上摩天大楼。但在当时这是一个令人震惊的高度。这一建筑是使用钢框架建造。由钢框架承受荷载。这意味着是钢骨架而非墙支撑建筑的重量。在这一技术发明之前,较高的建筑需要建造更厚的石头墙来支撑自身重量。厚墙非常沉重,并且不利于开窗和透光。
  2. 主金字塔基本上是一个覆盖反光玻璃的复杂的相互连接的钢结构。事实上,它是通往卢浮宫主展厅的一个长的进入门廊的入口。当一个人向下走至内部的进入大厅时,进入博物馆的这种戏剧性的效果变得非常明显。这个主金字塔必然会打乱老卢浮宫广场的平衡,因此用另外两个更小的金字塔进行平衡。这两个小金字塔为下部的空间提供进一步的采光和通风。并不是这个金字塔,而是这个金字塔所覆盖的下部入口空间才是这个项目最为重要的部分。


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